Sacred Mark: Tilak

In human species, there is been a will to represent ourselves into different groups and to do this there were many ways. In the arena of ways to represent themselves consists of things like Cap, beads, The outfit, hairstyles, etc. Similarly, Tilak is one of the best ways to convey people about the community in which they belong to. Tilak clearly says that the person is a practitioner of religious and spiritual practices and this is one of the reasons that mostly all spiritual gurus, devotees and the person who is someway connected to spiritual practices are having Tilak on their forehead.

Way of Representation

The way of representation can be understood by the matter of fact that a vertical U shaped Tilak is generally used by the followers and devotees of Lord Vishnu which is called Urdhva Pundra and a horizontal three-line marked tilak is used by the followers and devotees of Lord Shiva which is called Tripundra. This is the basic level of representation of community.

In human body, there are seven chakras (crucial points) by which anybody can enhance their individual consciousness in spiritual and physical terms as well. The most important Chakra among them is Aagya chakra which is important to activate to elevate human psychology. Having Tilak on middle of the forehead where the Chakra resides is a great way to activate the Chakra. Tilak gradually activates the chakra over time which enhances the concentration and all the cerebral abilities of human beings.   

Fragrance & Material Property

There are been several materials by which Tilak is used to be done like Sandalwood, Roli, Turmeric and many other materials. Now the question is Why do we need these special materials for Tilak?
This is because of their materialistic properties or fragrance. When these special materials come in contact with humans, it will have great significance as they leave their properties on humans (for instance Turmeric is having the antibacterial property that will protect skin from bacterial attack).
In terms of fragrance when a material full of the fragrance is used then it will lift the mood and makes humans happy than before. So as Tilak is having an anti-depression effect as well.

Why the use of Ring finger for Tilak
The ring finger is the only finger having a fact that it connects to the human’s heart. That is the reason why ring finger is used to do Tilak

Tilak is not only Religious ritual it's also the spiritual task to perform that will help to enhance the day-to-day life of a human being

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