33 Crore gods: Logical or Ridiculous

The gods in hinduism

India is the vast subcontinent and simultaneously it is the most diverse land on earth. Indian Culture is having 33 crore gods(the gods in hinduism) and at the same time this fortunate place India is an exceptionally diverse land.

 Is it coincident that we are having a huge number of gods present in our culture?

Everything that is associated with this culture is having some kind of meaning, so the question is what is the relevance of having so many gods in hinduism? That is concerned with our diversity of individuality. The matter of fact that has been known by everyone is that every person is different in his ideology, personality, perspective, behavior and every psychological aspect of life.

 Is it mandatory for all to follow only one god? (god means ideology for life) 

Every person should be free to choose his god according to his ideology and that means diversity in an actual means. No one has the authority to impose his ideology on others or no one is bound to follow the other’s ideology that’s what a diverse society should be like. So the concept of this many gods and goddesses of hinduism is related to the different ideology of human beings and it just strengthens the diverse land idea. This idea depicts that every human being is different and for the sake of this diversity there should be a certain number of gods (ideologies) in the culture so that every different person can follow the different gods or can see the god differently. 

If you are too masculine then you can go to Lord Shiva or if you are feminine then you may worship Shakti. If you are brave then you can worship Goddess Kali or if you are a scholar then Goddess Sarswati will help you out or if you are a trader, in that case, Goddess Lakshmi will be your deity. If you are a person of rules then you can worship Lord Ram or if you are not a person of rules then you can be a devotee of Lord Krishna. Any so-called diverse society can’t frame the different individuality in the same mold that is why we are having 33 crores of gods.
At last, it is up to you to decide whether it is good to have this many gods in our society or it’s just a ridiculous concept to have.

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  1. Very nice article. It seems like you are fan of Mr. Devdutt Pattanaik
