what is dharma?

what is dharma

what is dharma?

India has many concepts that have been made so complex and complicated that it is been very difficult to understand these concepts and to implement them in our lives. One such concept is DharmaIn Indian tradition there is no exact word for an English term ‘Religion’ but ‘Dharma’ is used to depict that. Dharma is quite different in Indic culture.

What is Dharma? That’s the question that may arise. Dharma has multiple meanings but for sake of simplicity, it has two meanings on philosophical and elemental (meaning by word) levels.
Dharma and Karma are the terms which are connected by each other. The philosophical layer of Dharma refers to the action that should be done ideally by the person according to the situations or circumstances of life whereas Karma is the action that is being performed by the person in the situations or circumstances of life. In karma, it doesn’t matter whether the action is appropriate or not but in the case of dharma, it only constitutes appropriate actions. So basically dharma is what should be done ideally by the person according to the situation and karma is what a person is doing to tackle the circumstances (it could be dharma or Adharma) but dharma is the very right way (path) for an ideal human being to choose.

For instance, what is the dharma of a farmer it’s actually to plough field, what is the dharma of a soldier – to protect the country, what is the dharma of a doctor - to treat patients, and so on. It’s upon the job that you have. The same had been described by Lord Krishna to Arjuna in Bhagwat Geeta who was a warrior and his dharma was to fight against inappropriate (Adharma).
The elemental layer of dharma is about the word, its meaning, and origin. The word dharma is derived from root dhr which means to hold, bind together and maintain. From this we can infer that dharma is also working to bind us on a cultural level, it’s the binder of the society for us. Generally, this simply builds the sense of unity in society and a society cannot survive without the aspect of unity that shows the importance of dharma in our culture and society. 

Another word that is used very often in Hinduism with dharma is Sanatana dharma which is the dharma which never changes with time and if it does not change with time then it is of great importance. 

At last, it is upon us whether we want to make these concepts complex or simple.

Thank you so much to read the full article on what is dharma? and if you like this please share it with your family and friends 

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  1. Another topic wonderfully explained ✌️
    Keep going like this
