Place of women/Shakti in India

 women empowerment

Shakti, Goddess, Durga, there are tonnes of names of the feminine power in Indian Culture where this cosmos came from. It is very unfortunate of this society that we are living in a society where we need women empowerment kind of a program to make women stronger. 

Fortunately, we are living in a culture where not only men but also women are worshipped. There are two schools of thought (ideologies) one is of gender equality and the other is gender diversityIndia is a nation where women were not equal to men (Don’t take it literally) women were having a special place in our culture that is beyond comparison. No one can compare women to anything that’s why we worship feminine power.   

So the idea of gender equality (that says the woman is equal to man) is rubbish! Equality is a term that comes from the West. Western culture is not having that concept of feminine god. This idea can be understood by the fact that nature has given different and special capabilities to men and women differently. Both the type of human can’t be compared at any level.
Goddess has an exceptional managerial quality that helps to make the world balanced. That is the reason behind the presence of the feminine goddess with all the trinity of Indian Culture (Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva).
To create the world Brahma needs Saraswati (The knowledge), to maintain the world Vishnu wants Lakshmi (The wealth) and similarly to destroy the world Shiva needs Shakti (The power). That is the indication that God needs Goddess to create, maintain and destroy the cosmos, which defines the place of feminine power in Indian Culture.

Women are not a subject of comparison and it is our immaturity when we compare them because if that is not correct then God would not make men and women different. Next time when we think about women keep in mind that they are not equal to men, they deserve a lot more than men and they are very different than men. Respect women in society in the same way as we worship the form of Goddess in temples.

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  1. Perfectly explained role of
    Women in society

  2. Beautifully written a nice way to perceive
